
We All have a story...

Most of us go through life holding tight to our stories and the pain that comes with.
We hold tight because:
– We’ve locked it so tightly in the vault inside of us
– We don’t want to revisit the trauma for fear of reliving the pain
– We don’t feel we have a safe space to share
– For fear of judgement
– We don’t want to be perceived a certain way
– We don’t want to hurt or expose others
– We think our story is irrelevant
– Sometimes we feel it was our fault!
– And the list goes on….
I know from the work I do, that so many of us are wanting to release, we want to be heard.
When we share, we relieve ourselves from carrying the weight of the trauma, and begin to shift, we begin to heal.  We realise that in this process we also start to understand how being vulnerable can actually help others on their journey to healing too.  Turning our pain into power 💥

Holding space for people is a gift, one that I absolutely cherish.  As I learn about you, I also learn a little more about me.