

💕 Ngā mihi to everyone out there trying to make a difference.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that are exhausted, but continue to do the mahi because they know they can help make a difference.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that could give up, but don’t.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that are holding a safe space for others.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that believe that healing is possible, because they too have been on that journey.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that are helping others to heal, when they’ve got their own shit going on too.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that are a voice for the voiceless, a metaphorical home for the homeless.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that are helping to provide a better, safer, future for our tamariki.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that see what’s going on, hear what’s going on, know what’s going on, and remain dedicated until the time is right for those that are ready to be seen and heard.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that don’t give up, even though the damage they are seeing can destroy their view of humanity.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that help open eyes to what is possible, and offer an abundance of support to get there.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that continue to love hard, even at times when it’s hard to love.
💕 Ngā mihi to those that continue to be a lighthouse, even through the darkest of storms.
💕 Ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou katoa.  
Please know that we see you, we love you, we admire and we appreciate you.  Thank you for being selfless for the greater good ❤️