This too shall pass
The wind, rain the floods and the force of Mother Nature, this too shall pass.
The hurt, pain, loss and suffering, this too shall pass.
The stress, anxiety and the feeling of helplessness, this too shall pass.
The anger and pent up frustration, this too shall pass.
The “why me?” or the “why us?” or the “why them?”, this too shall pass.
The guilt, the shame, the questions left unanswered, this too shall pass.
The longing and the yearning for something that once was, this too shall pass.
The broken sleep and the sleepless nights, this too shall pass.
The darkness, when it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, this too shall pass.
The feeling like you’ve done all that you can do and you want it all to end , this too shall pass.
We are living in challenging and uncertain times, take a deep breath, embrace the moment and remember, this too shall pass.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
Sending love and light to all those that need it right now ❤️
T x