There's Only One YOU!
I don’t know about you, but a lot of us try to be everything to everyone and do ALL the things!
I’ll admit, I’m definitely guilty of this.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s all good to strive for what you want in life, but please remember there’s only one YOU, and you need to look after you too.
We don’t need to try and be super human all the time.
Super mum, super wife, super partner, super business women, super cleaner, super chef, super put together, super snatched… and the list goes on.
If we keep doing ALL the things, without taking into consideration what’s actually important to us, and
what fills our cup, it can lead to overwhelm, resentment, mental and physical exhaustion. No-one wants a burntout you.
So, get out of the house, spend time with those that bring you joy, do things that bring you joy. Walk, workout, go to the awa or moana, eat yummy soul food, sleep in, have a nana nap, go for a massage, get your nails done, travel, dress up, dress down, turn the music up, dance. Save the cleaning for another day, set boundaries, say NO when it’s called for.
To help yourself, you must help yourself. Put yourself first, make YOU a priority, take care of yourself and love yourself. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you truly are.
We get one life, make it count, live life for you ❤️
He pai rangi tahi – seize the day!