
Love is

❤️ Love is the sound of the crashing waves, and beautiful summer days.
❤️ Love is the smell of the sea breeze, and the blossoming of Pohutukawa trees.
❤️ Love is the ability to walk, and the freedom to talk.
❤️ Love is being someone’s light in the night, and holding them extra tight.
❤️ Love is the ability to use your voice, to make a positive impact on those that may not have a choice.
❤️ Love is living authentically as you, not doing what others expect you to.
❤️ Love is having a positive attitude, and always living with a sense of gratitude.
❤️ Love is never fearing, and surrounding yourself with those that are caring.
❤️ Love is choosing to be kind, even at times when it blows your mind.
❤️ Love is weathering the storm, and keeping each other warm.
❤️ Love is laughter and happiness, all lovingly wrapped up in togetherness.
❤️ Love is allowing each other space to grow, and constantly letting the love flow.
❤️ Love is having your people, your tribe, and loving everything about their vibe.
❤️ Love is sharing delicious kai, and conversations that never ever run dry.
❤️ Love is music and dancing, celebrating and singing.
❤️ Love is hurt, love is pain, love is the joy of one day seeing you again.
❤️ Love is the ability to listen and hear, providing a safe space and an ear.
❤️ Love is honesty and integrity, and solving problems peacefully.
❤️ Love is the wind, rain, the moon and the sun, and not feeling like you ever have to run.
❤️ Love is being a māmā, a pāpā, a nanny, a koko,
a son, a daughter or even a moko.
❤️ Love is purpose, passion and pleasure, something to absolutely treasure.
❤️ Love is even though you’re far apart, you live on in each others heart.
❤️ Love is the deepest connection, and showing each other affection.
❤️ Love is sticking together when times are tough, and looking forward to the good stuff.
❤️ Love is working together as a team, and living the dream.
❤️ Love is me having a smile for you, and you having a smile for me too.
❤️ Love is for YOU, and I AM WORTHY of love too.