
At Arms Length

I hear you, but I will keep you at arm’s length, in fear of your actions not meeting your words.
I hang with you, but I will keep you at arm’s length, in fear of you only being here for a reason.
I help you, but I will keep you at arm’s length, in fear of you taking me and all that I am for granted.
I support you, but I will keep you at arm’s length, in fear of you not being there for me in my time of need. 
I want to love you, but I will keep you at arm’s length, in fear of you breaking my heart.
I want to be with you, but I will keep you at arm’s length, in fear of you eventually abandoning me.
I have learnt over the MANY years I have lived, to love myself and all that I am, because there is no fear with me vs me.  
I can control the words that I speak, the thoughts that I have and the actions that I take.  I find comfort in myself and I love being in my own presence.
My peeps are peeps, and with them I know, I don’t have to keep them at arm’s length, because we’ve got each other, all day. Ten toes down, never fold.
I want to bring you in, so close, show me it’s safe enough to let down my guard with you.
T x